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Amerigo Tot (1909-1984) | From Rome with Love: studio drawings 1946-48

2023. February 17. - March 12.

At our special chamber exhibition, we present the drawings of Éva Fischer (1920-2015) by Amerigo Tot (1909-1984) and some of his letters addressed to her for the first time. After long negotiations, the legacy, which had been preserved for decades, arrived in Hungary from Rome. The special graphics, mainly depicting Eva Fischer, were made in Tot's studio in the Via Margutta, Rome.
After World War II Éva Fischer found refuge in Rome, where - like Amerigo Tot himself - she built extensive connections with the art world, so for example they both met Pablo Picasso and Marc Chagall. Presumably around 1945, she met the world-famous sculptor from Fehérvárcsurgó, who also fled to the eternal city, lived and worked there -  and their meeting led to a passionate love that lasted for years.

The selected letters from Amerigo Tot  to Eva Fischer, written mainly between 1945 and 1950, show an intimate tone, sometimes also with a character that show a mutual spiritual exchange. We also gain insight into Tot's thoughts on art. In addition to the letters, we show alao two drawings of Amerigo Tot made by Éva Fischer, that arrived and we do present also some personal relics and previously unseen photographs, enriching the exhibition with other aspects besides the sculptor's dynamic drawings.

Our exhibition is a real curiosity, with the aim to provide an insight into the close love bond between the two artists through the dialogue of drawings and letters. 

We are grateful to Alan David Baumann, Éva Fischer's son, who made the exhibition possible, which has been created in cooperation with the Éva Fischer Foundation in Rome, which he leads.

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