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Attila Kondor (1974-)

2013. March 21. - April 04.

From time to time the artist deals with a specific topic, which he tries to enlighten with different means and approaches, in order to capture the multi-facetted thoughts from varied perspectives. Sometimes he takes over the perspective of the spaces, not only talking about them, but giving them the opportunity to talk. Elsewhere he simply depicts the objects he wants to refer to. Classical architectural structures and motives that seem weightless for our eyes. Weightless weightiness. The composition bears the heavily thoughtfulness of the painter in shattered forms and colours. Those philosophic points of view search unerringly but still enigmatically for perspectives, for a centre in the illimitability. Paintings demanding meditation in the endless flow of creation and fugacity.

The Koller Gallery’s first big spring exhibition of the year 2013 shows paintings and drawings of the artist Attila Kondor as a representative of the middle-generation.  Click here so see the invitation. 

Exhibited artworks

Kondor, Attila: Centre
Kondor, Attila - Centre private collection
Kondor, Attila: Dry fountain
Kondor, Attila - Dry fountain private collection
Kondor, Attila: Individuation 2.
Kondor, Attila - Individuation 2. private collection
Kondor, Attila: Individuation 4.
Kondor, Attila - Individuation 4. private collection
Kondor, Attila: Individuation 5.
Kondor, Attila - Individuation 5. private collection
Kondor, Attila: Numen
Kondor, Attila - Numen private collection
Kondor, Attila: Numen
Kondor, Attila - Numen private collection
Kondor, Attila: Numen II.
Kondor, Attila - Numen II. the artist's property
Kondor, Attila: Numen III. (Ara pacis)
Kondor, Attila - Numen III. (Ara pacis) private collection
Kondor, Attila: One-Mountainess I.
Kondor, Attila - One-Mountainess I. the artist's property
Kondor, Attila: Passage I.
Kondor, Attila - Passage I. private collection
Kondor, Attila: Passage II.
Kondor, Attila - Passage II. private collection
Kondor, Attila: Passage way II.
Kondor, Attila - Passage way II. private collection
Kondor, Attila: Purple garden
Kondor, Attila - Purple garden the artist's property
Kondor, Attila: The gate II.
Kondor, Attila - The gate II. sold to a private collection
Kondor, Attila: Uncreated light II
Kondor, Attila - Uncreated light II the artist's property

Impressions from the exhibiton

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