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Fair participation in Paris

2007. October 18. - October 22.

As the only Hungarian gallery, between October 17-22nd 2007 we showed Hungarian contemporary artists at the Champs Elysées in Paris, France. The fair has been organised by OREXPO in context of the FIAC international contemporary art fair. With our sculptor Péter Párkányi and the young painter Gábor Szenteleki we underlined their international reputation and artistic quality, which has been appreciated by the French public during the fair.

Exhibited artworks

Balsamo, Francesco: Door for Surena
Balsamo, Francesco - Door for Surena private collection
Balsamo, Francesco: Tableau vivant
Balsamo, Francesco - Tableau vivant private collection
Párkányi, Péter: Universe
Párkányi, Péter - Universe the artist`s property
Szenteleki, Gábor: Afternoon
Szenteleki, Gábor - Afternoon sold to a private collection (Italy)

Impressions from the exhibiton

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