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Csató, József



Joseph Csató was born in Mezőkövesd, Hungary. He studied Visual Communication at the College of Eger. Between 2000 and 2006 he studied at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts with Dóra Maurer. In 2003, he recieved the Menyhért Tóth Foundation Scholarship, and from 2004 he continued his studies at the University of Fine Arts in Nürnberg as an Erasmus Scholarship recipient.
Csató mostly uses oilpaint and watercolor. His art carries neonative and neoprimitive stylistic traits. In his paintings he does not add irrelevant or distracting features to his protagonists, but focuses on a few characteristics, giving only a minimalistic description of the represented figures.
Each of his paintings capture life situations and moments familiar to all. Csató's attraction to special moments gives  his representation of these scenes a very unique tone.


Year Biography
1980 Mezőkövesd
2004 Erasmus scholarship, University of Fine Arts,Nürnberg
2002 Scholarship by the Tóth Menyhért Foundation
2000-2006 MKE, Budapest Maurer Dóra class
1998-2006 EKTV, Eger drawing - visual communications
  Group exhibitions
2008 Lükteté, Székely Bertalan Galéria, Szada
  Parkszinpad, Holdudvar Galéria, Budapest
2007 Vágatlan változat, Ernst Múzeum, Budapest
  Új évjárat, Octogon Art Galéria, Budapest
2006 All is one, Collegium Hungaricum, Bécs
  Artus Galéria, Budapest Artus gyűjtemény kiállítása
2005 Hedopuritanisták kiállítása, Műcsarnok, Menüpont Galéria, Budapest
  25 évesek vagyunk, Schumy Évával Raiffeisen Bank, Budapest
  Földtani intézet, Budapest MKE hallgatóinak kiállítása
2004 Hartes Brot, Phillip Molal Kunst im Gang, Bamberg, Németország
2003 Artus Galéria, Budapest Király Gáborra és Szabó Eszterrel
  Átadás, Stuttgarti Művészeti Egyetem, Stuttgart
2002 Kettö, Goethe-Intézet, Budapest
2000 Lehetlen, Art pool, Budapest
  Single exhibitions
2009 Vonalban, NextArt Galéria, Budapest
2007 Vadonat új, Chinese Caracters, Budapest
  Önarckép busó álarcban, Artus Galéria, Budapest
2003 Kaktusznak lenni, K.A.S. Galéria, Budapest
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