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Lajos Szalay

2008. December 05. - December 21.

Our Gallery shows the newest station of its largescale exhibition series featuring outstanding Hungarian graphic works and artists of the twentieth century. In 2009 we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the graphic artist Lajos Szalay. On this occasion, an exhibition series is organized with the participation of cultural institutions and galleries, featuring the Master's diverse oeuvre. The anniversary series opens already now with our exhibition of his mythological and religious works. It is realized in collaboration with the Hungarian National Gallery, the Hermann Ottó Museum, Miskolc Gallery and private collectors.

Lajos Szalay is outstanding graphic artist, and also founding father of twentieth century graphic art in Hungary. His vast oeuvre has earned both national and international recognition and respect (with works in major collections of New York, San Diego, Paris and Buenos Aires). His art uniquely combines a humanistic intellectual attitude and the productive encounter of modern form and style with classic themes. In mythological and religious motives Lajos Szalay discovered universal values that preserve their meaning and convey actual message for all time periods. In the past 30 years the Koller Gallery has consistently represented Lajos Szalay's art, and the anniversary exhibition offers a great occasion to purchase rare original ink drawings and limited edition graphic works selected from the Master's oeuvre. On the occasion, our gallery publishes a bilingual catalogue (Hungarian and English) for the exhibition. This catalogue can be downloaded for free in PDF two weeks after the inauguration.

To see the invitation, klick here >


Exhibited artworks

Szalay, Lajos: Dostojevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov
Szalay, Lajos - Dostojevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov sold to a private collection (Hungary)
Szalay, Lajos: Horse-tamer
Szalay, Lajos - Horse-tamer private collection
Szalay, Lajos: Musician
Szalay, Lajos - Musician Private collection (Italy)
Szalay, Lajos - unique drawings: Angel
Szalay, Lajos - unique drawings - Angel private collection
Szalay, Lajos - unique drawings: Thinker
Szalay, Lajos - unique drawings - Thinker sold to a private collection (USA)

Impressions from the exhibiton

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