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Mózes Incze: Myth and modernity

2012. May 16. - May 30.

Incze was born in Barót/Transylvania but has been living since the 90s in Hungary. He is a representative of the middle generation of Hungarian contemporary painters. His paintings, based on the classically traditional representation refers to the old masters, but he adds to their often impassioned scenes ironic elements, transforms them, places them into familiarity. His classically composed works often bear an element of a different time; frequently he adds to his figures with their mythical impression an object of utility.                                      

The collection in the Koller Gallery mainly shows new works. One central piece is the Universe. The main figure on the painting is a semi-nude figure holding a child attached to his chest. With one stretched hand he is keeping the balance, with the other he is holding a multidimensional cube-like object, which looks like a birdcage. Tilting his head, he is looking through the open door into the construction. Maybe controlling, observing, taking care of it. 

Parallel to the exhibition held in the Koller Gallery, Mózes Incze is present with more than twenty of his works in the Galleria del Carbone, Ferrara/Italy. The exhibition was realised in cooperation with the Koller Gallery.

Exhibited artworks

Incze, Mozes: Heritage
Incze, Mozes - Heritage private collection

Impressions from the exhibiton

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