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Monos, Sándor




The Hungarian sculptor Sándor Monos has been living in Canada since 1977. He studied at the Mohawk College and at the Valley School of Art. In 1984, he started to be interested in drawing, illustrations and carricatures. In the early 90s he started his works with cast-bronze sculptures based on wax forms.
His works are characterised by movemement. The figures get into motion through the generous, agile dynamic along the flexible contours and without any unnecessary details. The sculptures demand to be view from all sides, as they have no clear face plan. From every perspective the observer is shown a new interesting view, while his view follows the wave-like, pliant lines along the rhythm of the figure. In stark contrast to the hard material of the bronze and physical laws, the figures seem to be floating in the air. The indiviudal figures rest on a single point, which is not easy to find. Thus, the sculptures avoid to transform their movements and gestures into a forced pose.
Since 1995, the artist’s artwork could be seen at exhibitions in Canada and the United States. In 1997 his first exhibition in his home country was organised. His works are continuesly shown in the Koller Gallery. He had single exhibitions in Veszprém and in Budapest, in the Millenáris park.
Year Biography
1954 He was born in Ádánd, Hungary (village in Somogy County)
From 1977 he has been living in Kanada
1984 he continued his drawing and painting studies
1993 a Hungarian sculptor, Zsakó István introduced him to bronze casting
From1997 With his works he constantly present in the Veszprém Masterpiece Gallery.
2007 You Me Gallery, Hamilton, Ontario
2006 Toronto Art Expo – Toronto Convention Center
  Great Art Fair, London
  Galerie le Royer, Montreal.
2005 Hamilton Club
  Toronto Art Expo – Toronto Convention Center
2004 Harbor Front Gallery, Bronte, Ontario
  Gallery on the Bay, Hamilton
  Beam House, Beamsville, Ontario
2003 Galerie le Royer, Montreal
  Millenáris Park, Budapest
2002 Mestermű Gallery, Veszprém
  Estuaries of the Danube, Hamilton, Ontario
  Estuaries of the Danube, New Brunswick
2001 Gallery 435, Hamilton, Ontario
  Ordus Pictus, Veszprém
2000 Art Mode Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario
  Gallery On The Bay, Hamilton, Ontario
1999 Hamilton, Ontario
  Carnegie Gallery, Dundas, Ontario
  Brantford, Ontario
1998 Mestermű Galéria, Veszprém
  Gamsby Gallery, Hamilton
1997 Art Mode Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario
  Nagy Imre Gallery, Várpalota
1996 Hamilton Artist Inc., Hamilton, Ontario
  The Gallery – Taber Art Group, Ancaster, Ontario
1995 The Carnegie Gallery, Dundas, Ontario

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