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60 years 60 artists - Anniversary exhibition

2013. May 09. - June 02.

The artist of the art market: György Koller

This year the Koller Gallery celebrates its 60th anniversary. If the founder György Koller (1923-1996) were still alive, he would have been 90 years old in May. In the frame of the anniversary a book has been published at Corvina Publishing to honour the founder: „Koller – In the Wake of a Legend”, by Balázs Feledy. The title is adequate, as György Koller – the art connoisseur, the patron of arts and artist of the art market – created during difficult times something legendary and his person became a legend among the artists. And his legend lives on. In the memories and works of the artists, who were connected in business relations but at the same time also in deep friendship with György Koller. The exhibition of the Koller Gallery „60 years- 60 artists” is in close connection to György Koller. The former members of the Artists Community as well as those awarded the Koller-Award come together in this memorial exhibition. Together on the path of the past to make new tracks. 60 artists from 60 years for György Koller. Exhibited artists  See the invitation              

Exhibited artworks

Benedek Jenő Jr.: After the flood
Benedek Jenő Jr. - After the flood sold to a private collection (Hungary)
Bikácsi, Daniela: Up and down
Bikácsi, Daniela - Up and down private collection
Borsos, Miklós: Buba reading
Borsos, Miklós - Buba reading Privat collection
Csergezán, Pál: Rabbits
Csergezán, Pál - Rabbits sold to a private collection (France)
Csikszentmihályi, Róbert: Winged
Csikszentmihályi, Róbert - Winged Private collection
Földi, Péter: Blue bird's grandchild
Földi, Péter - Blue bird's grandchild Private collection Hungary
Gaál, Domokos: Crossing the Creek
Gaál, Domokos - Crossing the Creek sold to a private collection (Hungary)
Gáborjáni, Szabó Kálmán: Taormina
Gáborjáni, Szabó Kálmán - Taormina sold to a private collection (Spain)
Incze, Mozes: Agnus Dei
Incze, Mozes - Agnus Dei sold to a private collection (France)
Iván, Szilárd: The Koller couple
Iván, Szilárd - The Koller couple Koller Gallery collection
Kárpáti, Tamás: Message of an angel
Kárpáti, Tamás - Message of an angel private collection
Kass, János: The Flower
Kass, János - The Flower sold to a private collection (Japan)
Kiss, Terézia: Mother with child
Kiss, Terézia - Mother with child sold to a private collection (Hungary)
Kiss, Tibor: Rufus
Kiss, Tibor - Rufus Private collection Hungary
Kő, Pál: Béla Bartók
Kő, Pál - Béla Bartók private collection
Kovács, Tamás: Amorous demon
Kovács, Tamás - Amorous demon sold to a private collection (U.K.)
Molnár,  C. Pál: Medieval court scene
Molnár, C. Pál - Medieval court scene Sold to a private collection (Hungary)
Muzsnay, Ákos: Old stories
Muzsnay, Ákos - Old stories sold to a private collection (Israel)
Orosz, István: Library
Orosz, István - Library private collection
Rékassy, Csaba: Garden
Rékassy, Csaba - Garden sold to a private collection (USA)
Szabó, Vladimir: Hommage a Dürer
Szabó, Vladimir - Hommage a Dürer Private collection (Hungary)
Szász, Endre: Sun-eaters
Szász, Endre - Sun-eaters sold to a private collection (Hungary)
Szemethy, Imre: Ulysses 70
Szemethy, Imre - Ulysses 70 sold to a private collection (Italy)
Szenteleki, Gábor: Free evidence II
Szenteleki, Gábor - Free evidence II private collection
Szőnyi, István: The cat in the window
Szőnyi, István - The cat in the window sold to a private collection (USA)
Takáts, Márton: Sunday Tiber bank
Takáts, Márton - Sunday Tiber bank sold to a private collection (Hungary)
Varga, Imre: Odette  - sitting woman
Varga, Imre - Odette - sitting woman sold to a private collection (Switzerland)

Impressions from the exhibiton

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